Sunday, 24 July 2011

Weta digital -creators of Avatar ,King kong and LOTR

Weta Digital is a digital visual effects company based in wellington ,New zealand .It was founded by Peter jackson,Richard taylor and jamie selkirk in 1993 to produce digital visual effects for Heavenly creatures.
In 2007 Weta digital's senior visual effects supervisor , Joe Letteri ,was also appointed as a director of the company . Weta digital has won several Academy awards and BAFTA's. Weta digital is a part of a number of Peter jackson co-owned companies in Wellington .Weta is named after Weta some of the largest insects in world ,prevalent in New zealand .To date Weta digital has won five oscars for visual efffects (3 for lord of the rings trilogy ,1 each for King kong and Avatar).Weta digital has developed several proprietary software packages to enable them to achieve groundbreaking visual effects .The scale of battles required for The lord of the rings film trilogy led to cration of MASSSIVE ,a program which allows animation of huge numbers of agents ,
independent characters acting according to pre-set rules. In King Kong there was a need to generate 1933 New York which led to the creation of CityBot, an application which was able to "build" New York City to meet these requirements on a shot by shot basis.Kong’s fur also required the development of new simulation and modelling software. A set of tools that combined procedural and interactive techniques were generated, which allowed deformers to be built for adding wind to the 460 billion individual strands of fur and solving interaction with other surfaces. New shaders were written that accounted for the scattering of light from within each hair that added to the volumetric quality of the fur. Large chunks of his fur were ripped out and filled in with scars, blood, and the mud of Skull Island. Each frame of fur took 2 gigabytes of data.Weta modified MASSIVE to give life to the flora and fauna on Pandora at James Cameron's Avatar, for which the company did most of the visual effects with the 4 time Academy Award winner visual effects guru, Joe Letteri

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